Contiki 2.6
00001 /******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics ******************** 00002 * File Name : mems_regs.h 00003 * Author : MCD Application Team 00004 * Version : V1.0 00005 * Date : January 2010 00006 * Description : stm32w108 mems registers 00007 ******************************************************************************** 00008 * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS 00009 * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. 00010 * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, 00011 * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE 00012 * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING 00013 * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. 00014 *******************************************************************************/ 00015 00016 #ifndef _MEMS_REGS_H_ 00017 #define _MEMS_REGS_H_ 00018 00019 /* Private include ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00020 00021 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 00022 00023 //---Size of MEMs data--- 00024 #define MEMS_DATA_SIZE 6 00025 00026 //---address of slave I want to communicate with--- 00027 #define kLIS3L02DQ_SLAVE_ADDR 0x38 00028 00029 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00030 //---accelerometer register addresses--- 00031 #define OFFSET_X 0x16 00032 #define OFFSET_Y 0x17 00033 #define OFFSET_Z 0x18 00034 #define GAIN_X 0x19 00035 #define GAIN_Y 0x1A 00036 #define GAIN_Z 0x1B 00037 #define CTRL_REG1 0x20 00038 #define CTRL_REG2 0x21 00039 #define STATUS_REG 0x27 00040 #define OUTX_L 0x28 00041 #define OUTX_H 0x29 00042 #define OUTY_L 0x2A 00043 #define OUTY_H 0x2B 00044 #define OUTZ_L 0x2C 00045 #define OUTZ_H 0x2D 00046 #define FF_WU_CFG 0x30 00047 #define FF_WU_SRC 0x31 00048 #define FF_WU_ACK 0x32 00049 #define FF_WU_THS_L 0x34 00050 #define FF_WU_THS_H 0x35 00051 #define FF_WU_DURATION 0x36 00052 #define DD_CFG 0x38 00053 #define DD_SRC 0x39 00054 #define DD_ACK 0x3A 00055 #define DD_THSI_L 0x3C 00056 #define DD_THSI_H 0x3D 00057 #define DD_THSE_L 0x3E 00058 #define DD_THSE_H 0x3F 00059 00060 // Communication control settings 00061 // I2C 00062 #define REPETIR 0x80 00063 // SPI 00064 #define MEMS_SPI_WRITE 0x00 00065 #define MEMS_SPI_READ 0x80 00066 #define MEMS_SPI_MULTIPLE_BYTES 0x40 00067 00068 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00069 //---Settings for CTRL_REG1--- 00070 00071 // Power Down Control (PD) 00072 #define LIS_PD_OFF 0x00 00073 #define LIS_PD_ON 0x40 00074 00075 // Decimation Factor Control (DF) 00076 #define LIS_DF_BY128 0x00 00077 #define LIS_DF_BY64 0x10 00078 #define LIS_DF_BY32 0x20 00079 #define LIS_DF_BY8 0x30 00080 00081 // Self Test 00082 #define LIS_ST_NORMAL 0x00 00083 #define LIS_ST_TEST 0x08 00084 00085 // Enable Axis 00086 #define LIS_EA_ALL 0x07 00087 00088 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00089 //---Settings for CTRL_REG2--- 00090 00091 // Full Scale (FS) 00092 #define LIS_FS_2G 0x00 00093 #define LIS_FS_6G 0x80 00094 00095 // Block Data Update (BDU) 00096 #define LIS_BDU_CONTINUOUS 0x00 00097 #define LIS_BDU_WAIT 0x40 00098 00099 // Big/Little Endian Selection (BLE) 00100 #define LIS_BLE_LE 0x00 00101 #define LIS_BLE_BE 0x20 00102 00103 // Data Alignment Selection DAS 00104 #define LIS_DAS_12BIT 0x00 00105 #define LIS_DAS_16BIT 0x01 00106 00107 // Interrupt Enable 00108 #define LIS_INTR_DISABLE 0x00 00109 #define LIS_INTR_ENABLE 0x08 00110 00111 // Data Ready Enable 00112 #define LIS_DRDY_DISABLE 0x00 00113 #define LIS_DRDY_ENABLE 0x04 00114 00115 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00116 00117 #define LIS_BLE_XX LIS_BLE_BE 00118 00119 00120 /* Private Functions Prototypes ----------------------------------------------*/ 00121 00122 //*********************i2c_read_reg***********************// 00123 //----------Reads a register on the I2C target------------// 00124 //------slave addr is the is the I2C target device--------// 00125 //-reg_addr is the address of the register to be written--// 00126 //-pBuffer is the storage destination for the read data---// 00127 //-NoOfBytes is the amount of data to read----------------// 00128 int8u i2c_read_reg (int8u slave_addr, int8u reg_addr, int8u *pBuffer, int8u NoOfBytes); 00129 00130 //*********************i2c_write_reg**********************// 00131 //----------Writes a register on the I2C target-----------// 00132 //------slave addr is the is the I2C target device--------// 00133 //-reg_addr is the address of the register to be written--// 00134 //-reg_value is the value of the register to be written---// 00135 int8u i2c_write_reg (int8u slave_addr, int8u reg_addr, int8u reg_value); 00136 00137 #endif /* _MEMS_REGS_H_ */ 00138 00139 /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/