Contiki 2.6

cc253x Directory Reference


directory  dev


file  8051def.h [code]
file  cc253x.h [code]

Definitions for TI/Chipcon cc2530, cc2531 and cc2533 SFR registers.

file  mtarch.h [code]
file  rtimer-arch.c [code]

Hardware-dependent functions used to support the contiki rtimer module.

file  rtimer-arch.h [code]

Hardware-dependent function declarations used to support the contiki rtimer module.

file  sfr-bits.h [code]

Header file with definitions of bit masks for some cc2530 SFRs.

file  soc.c [code]

Init routine for the cc2530 SoC.

file  soc.h [code]

Header file with cc253x SoC-specific defines and prototypes.